Thursday, July 11, 2013

3 Reviews, 1 Coetime

Way to go C.O.E., this renaissance for you blog ended after a handful of posts.  Hey, it was a holiday weekend and I've been busy. Back off.  Actually, it's not because I'm busy that I haven't written anything, it's because nothing I've listened to has really inspired me to write something clever.
However, I promised reviews so I'm going to write something quick.  Might not be funny.  Might be full of grammatical and factual errors.  With luck, I'll have avoided using words that I was unaware are actually quite offensive.  It's kind of like Fox News.
Oh and by new, I should say these came out sometime since January so "new" is up for interpretation...
So first up is the new Wavves album "Afraid of Heights".  It's good and I like it.  The song "Afraid of Heights" and "Demon to Lean on" are the best tracks in my opinion.  I've never listened to this band before for no other reason than I kept forgetting to check them out when I was looking for new music.  Sounds like these guys are a lot younger than me, wear backpacks with things written on them in black marker, and listened to a ton of Nirvana demos.  Nothing wrong with that.  I did that too...20 years ago.  But for real, the album is cool.  Those two tracks stand out and are actually really, really, good.  The rest of the album hasn't quite grabbed me but that doesn't mean it won't.  Check it out if you can.
Also check out Phosphorescent "Muchacho".  It's really good too.  It's got that folksy sound but instead of folk music inspired by hippies it sounds inspired by metalheads or something.  Like it sounds like you might want to smoke angel dust at an outdoor festival and lay in the grass and listen (authors note: I've never smoke angel dust so maybe I'm way off here but I'm writing fast and thats how it came out).  The second track is so good it's hard to move onto the next song.  I keep wanting to hear it again.
Third, ummm, okay I guess I haven't tried that hard.  I could throw in the newest Alkaline Trio album that came out a few months back.  Those guys can't catch a break.  They get shit talk from both fans and people that hate them.  And the people that hate them probably have at least 3 of their records. Their a band that made an awesome first album (might be in my top 20 of all time) and now must forever live in it's shadow.  For those not familiar, their first album "Goddammit" is  a straight up punk album about being young, drunk and not talking to the girl you've been wanting to, and being depressed by both.  Well, these guys are now closer to 40 than 18 so if they still sang about that they'd be A.) alcoholics B.) kind of pathetic or C.) the Lawrence Arms (no disrespect, I love the Lawrence Arms and can't wait for the new album).  Anyway, the last 2 albums have been them trying to get their old sound.  On the new one "My Shame is True" they do a pretty solid job.  If you like the Alkaline Trio go buy it.  If you don't, buy it because you'll probably like it anyway but never want to admit it.
Thats it for now people.  Keep it real and have a good Thursday.