Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Of Course He Did...


I lump Rivers Cuomo and Thom Yorke in the same category of musicians that I used to think were clever in their quirkiness but now irritate me as I get older.  It's the same way people wearing baseball caps so they cover their ears and large headphones (oddly enough people that have hats cover their ears wear big headphones over them.) irritate me.  Actually, no, there's no relationship there.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Testing. Testing. 1,2.

Me again.  I needed a mental break and I thought I'd wander back here.  Does anyone actually read this thing or have I totally blown it off so much that the few people that did read it or check back from time to time are so annoyed they don't bother?  If I was you I'd have stopped checking by now.
Maybe I just need to write about other things than music.  I could complain about politics, sports or the construction on the CTA.  That always gets people riled up.  Maybe thats the issue.  However, I do have plenty of music theories right now that if I wrote about them would fill up some space.  One theory is how I blame Belle and Sebastian and Neutral Milk Hotel for the current state of horrible music (did I mention I saw Neutral Milk Hotel open for Superchunk at a bar in Champaign Illinois in 1997 or 98?  Yeah, I'm cooler than you are).  Or I could write about this thought I had the other day where maybe Nirvana was more popular as a mellow acoustic cover band than the rock band (grunge, alternative, punk, etc) that gave us Smells Like Teen Spirit.  That one came to me a few days ago while I was eating soup.
I could write about the new My Bloody Valentine album and I how wasn't that impressed even though everyone else was.  Or I could write about my unhealthy obsession with Kid Rock.  That one though is touchy.  It really evokes some anger in people.  Maybe I should just stay away from that one.
Maybe I'll just write short random things like this from time to time without posting something elsewhere saying this up.  That way you'll have to keep checking back to see if you're missing anything.
Wow.  Thats kind of arrogant isn't it?  Or is it just lazy?